I know that anorexia and bulimia in the fashion industry are always hot topics. For some reason people never get tired of gossiping about that tragic anorexic skeletoria who looks as though if the wind were to blow hard enough she would simply fly away, but have you seen Nataliya Gotsii's legs lately?

They look so long ... so glorious. So ... thin! Why am I not this woman? Life is so unfair. Granted, she

Her thighs actually used to touch, but this means that there is, in fact, hope for me yet. If she can do it, surely I can as well. Can you officially say 'thinspiration'?
Oh geeze
My thighs touch
It's okay though, at least I'm not the fat kid
My thighs touch too! haha
Unless I wear my H&M jeans, and stand a certain way.. then they don't and I fool all the boogloos! suckahs!
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