22 August 2008

Water for Elephants

Now this book has been out for a while, if you haven't read it or at least heard good things about it from your friends, then shame on you and your friends. Shame, shame, shame.

Water for Elephants is one of those books, those gems, that you just don't want to put down. It is the story of an elderly man who, unable to keep his aging mind in one piece, lets it drift back into his past in the form of sleeping dreams and daydreams alike.

It is a historical reference to the times of the circus and the great depression, a story of ringmasters, acrobats, freaks, and incredible feats. A story of struggle and desperation in times of need. A story of life before death. A story of friendship and love.

Off topic very quickly, one of the things that astonished me the most was the fact that this was a book written by a woman through a man's perspective. I'm not saying that such a thing is difficult for a woman to do, in fact I'm sure it is quite the opposite, it was just something that I wasn't expecting. Sara Gruen depicts the main character in the story as so flawlessly masculine that you really do forget that the author is a woman ... you forget there is really even an author. Isn't that how all books should feel?

So, are you going to make me say more? Just go and get it, I promise you won't be disappointed. If so, I'll refund the money to you, including shipping if you order it from Amazon ... but not really.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I've had this book for almost half a year now and I've only read in a little bit.. but it's fantastic! I can't wait to get more time and read the rest :)