06 October 2008

Gore Fest

For the horror fanatic in all of us.

Not just anyone can appreciate a really good gore film. It takes a person with strong resolve to sit through scenes brutal enough to put an elderly man or a mother of four into an early grave. This precious gem is currently showing on Fearnet On Demand, which is where I saw it.

Now, I'm a sucker for a good horror thriller, and while this film is true to its form, it is a bit cheesy in that old school horror movie turned modern way. Directed by Ryuhei Kitamura and produced by author Clive Barker, from whom wrote the short story that it was based on, it takes on a much more artistic quality. Practically every scene is angled and coordinated perfectly, the backdrops of each setting are very specific to how you should feel during that moment, whether it be in vivid color or desaturated coldness, and the use of shadows and darkness were so beautifully done that you often got a very comic book come to life feeling from it.

The gore scenes were by far the best I've seen in quite some time, both beautifully artistic and horrific to watch at the same time, and the characters though sometimes a touch unconvincing were soundly constructed. Overall the plot of the movie was its only downfall, at times seeming monotonously predictable and at others, so confusing that you though you were watching Jacob's Ladder all over again.

I think that for the most part it is an amazing movie for the horror flick lovers at heart and anyone with a brain can enjoy at least at some level the amount of work that was put into making this wonderful yet disturbing film. Obviously I enjoyed it, if a bit late, and I fully encourage anyone who has seen it to leave reviews of your own. I would like to hear about what you thought as well.

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