29 August 2008

A Decline in Sanity

Is it way crazy that I want this sweater from Urban Outfitters? It is ... I know it.

Clearly I've lost my mind if I think that sweater is cute. God, what's wrong with me? It's fucking themed. I despise 'themed' clothing, paraphernalia, accoutermentss or otherwise ... especially anything even hinting to Christmas or winter, that's the worst. Shame on me for being forced to say it, shame.

I also want these glasses, which are not so bad.

Shun the non-believer, shuuuuuuuuunnn.


I'm so over the sweater.

27 August 2008

Leather for Fall

I have been reminded over and over and over yet again of the fact that I am pretty much required to buy a pair of leather pants. Fall has nearly descended upon us and I have yet to even look much less buy some.

Now, I really don't have money for leather of any sort, especially not leg leather, but Givenchy as made it quite obvious that I no longer have a choice in the matter and that fighting it is completely futile ... not that I would.

And I love this collection ... I mean, whoever thought that leather could be an understatement? It's clean, simple, wearable and fashionable without all of the tragic references to the world of rock stars and groupies. I think it's about time leather grew up.

24 August 2008

Nataliya Gotsii

If I may, for just a moment, present to you my reason for living?

I know that anorexia and bulimia in the fashion industry are always hot topics. For some reason people never get tired of gossiping about that tragic anorexic skeletoria who looks as though if the wind were to blow hard enough she would simply fly away, but have you seen Nataliya Gotsii's legs lately?

They look so long ... so glorious. So ... thin! Why am I not this woman? Life is so unfair. Granted, she has come a long way wasn't always this fabulous skinny. See below.

Her thighs actually used to touch, but this means that there is, in fact, hope for me yet. If she can do it, surely I can as well. Can you officially say 'thinspiration'?

22 August 2008

Water for Elephants

Now this book has been out for a while, if you haven't read it or at least heard good things about it from your friends, then shame on you and your friends. Shame, shame, shame.

Water for Elephants is one of those books, those gems, that you just don't want to put down. It is the story of an elderly man who, unable to keep his aging mind in one piece, lets it drift back into his past in the form of sleeping dreams and daydreams alike.

It is a historical reference to the times of the circus and the great depression, a story of ringmasters, acrobats, freaks, and incredible feats. A story of struggle and desperation in times of need. A story of life before death. A story of friendship and love.

Off topic very quickly, one of the things that astonished me the most was the fact that this was a book written by a woman through a man's perspective. I'm not saying that such a thing is difficult for a woman to do, in fact I'm sure it is quite the opposite, it was just something that I wasn't expecting. Sara Gruen depicts the main character in the story as so flawlessly masculine that you really do forget that the author is a woman ... you forget there is really even an author. Isn't that how all books should feel?

So, are you going to make me say more? Just go and get it, I promise you won't be disappointed. If so, I'll refund the money to you, including shipping if you order it from Amazon ... but not really.

Comme Des Garcons for H&M

As most of you might already know by now the much anticipated, yet as of now dreaded by some, collaboration by Comme Des Garcons and H&M is due to come out this November.

I am fairly excited about it myself, though I am well aware of and appreciate what others think. Some say that Rei Kawakubo lost some of herself in this collection because of the translation of her deconstructive style into a mainstream market. I think that those people think too much ... this really is not so serious.

Now, that's not to say that I don't know that some of the mainstream market customers won't understand the collection therefore won't buy it, but I do believe that there are people out there that will appreciate something a little different from what they are use too ... something that they don't have to pay an arm and a leg for that is.

All in all I think that it's a fine idea, and a fine collaboration as well. I like what I've seen so far and I really do think that it'll be a hit, of sorts, when it arrives in stores a short while from now. H&M has always been loyal about bringing us relatively decent knock-off designer fashions, so buying something from them that a designer has actually touched can't be all wrong.

Me? I'm going for the polka dots and the blazers. What do you think?

20 August 2008

The Women

A remake of a Turner Classic? I would say 'be careful' or 'tread lightly' but it is far too late for that.

Just because a movie was ground breaking for its time and culturally significant even now, doesn't mean that you should remake it. It's dangerous territory, for both the director and the actors/actresses associated with it ... sullying the sterling name of a Turner Classic movie. Defamers of masterpieces and Oprah have a strange way of suddenly vanishing without a trace.

I'm only saying.

Yes, I'm going to go see it, but I'm quite prepared to be disappointed by what I'm expecting to be another disastrous remake nightmare. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong, and that's all that I have to say in regard to it.

In other news, will someone please contact Meg Ryan's plastic surgeon for me?

I need him or her to sprinkle some of that magical pixie dust on my face once it starts to sag and bulge. I mean Jesus.

Now I've never really liked Meg Ryan, but I find her face fascinating in a way that I hope doesn't insinuate stalking. I suppose that you could say that I have a new found respect for her appearance.

The hair looks good too.

official website


In the act of breaking the proverbial hymen ... here I am.

I'm not much, but I try not to sell myself short. On any normal day I have a cornucopia of completely inutile drivel to talk about and so I figured, why waste brain power by talking to myself, why not start a blog?

How sad.

Perhaps I am doing all of this for myself and am really nothing more than another vain self-centered prick. Perhaps I really have nothing to talk about, but for some reason I feel that my point of view on things is in some way important enough that people other than myself should hear it because it could change their life in dramatic and meaningful ways.

Or, perhaps I am full of shit and just like grammatical errors and the periodic use of run-on sentences.

That must be it.